We got the call!!!

After more than two years of waiting, with doubts and dreams and faith and tears, we got the phone call we’ve been so hoping for. We’re up! My daughter’s service dog is ready. This December, she and I will travel to New England for a two-week training and we will bring her dog home—a new member of the family, a new layer of support for her, a new being she can rely on to help her through the ups and downs of daily life. Since she was a toddler, I knew she needed extra support, even though I couldn’t say why. Within two months of her autism diagnosis at age 7, I applied for her to get a dog. My daughter can go from a rigid ball of nerves to a blissed out, happy kid after just moments with a dog. If I hadn’t seen it myself, I’m not sure I would have believed it. There is no drug that works this well (or at least not without scary side effects).


This is something from a dream. I told my sweet girl the news today and she held me tight, sobbing and looking up at me with eyes so filled with emotion—gratitude and love and hope—and it made every bit of the last two years worthwhile.


From the bottom of my heart, I thank my family, my friends, and my community for helping to make this happen. There is no way I could have raised this money without you. You have listened, supported me, and held me through this journey, and I am endlessly grateful. Autism can be this invisible struggle—on the outside, my daughter looks like she’s coping, and well-meaning strangers often minimize the extent of her challenges. In spite of her incredible progress over the years, she still struggles with daily tasks on a level that can be staggering. Having a dog will be completely life changing and will give her immense support and independence. Every drawing I have created, every mug I’ve sold, every donation that was made helped us get closer. We have just reached our fundraising goal, we have a date set for our team training, and we have less than two months to wait.


We will get there. I am so humbled, I am so joyful, I am so ready to make this happen for my daughter. Thank you for being part of this beautiful journey. Thank you for believing in us.

Hanging out with one of our favorite furry friends.

Hanging out with one of our favorite furry friends.